Dear parishioners and friends,
Tomorrow some of our churches reopen for the first time for public worship after 15 weeks. This is an encouraging and exciting development.
For the last 15 weeks we have kept worship going and provided services online for you at home. I am very grateful to my son Darren, for all the video editing and technical support behind this, as well as those who provided music and read for these services.
For the next two months, I will email you each Saturday morning with a service leaflet, readings, and a short ‘Thought in Three Minutes’. This video clip will go live at 9am each Sunday morning on our parish YoutubeChannel. This is for those who through age or vulnerability will not be able to attend services just yet.
Here is the link
Service of the Word (Summer 2020) 5th July
Services in our churches tomorrow are as follows:
8.30 Blackrock
9.45 Passage
11.15 Douglas
Next week 12th July
8.30 Blackrock
10.00 Frankfield
11.15 Douglas
Every blessing,
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC