Dear parishioners and friends

Please find the attached link and service leaflet for tomorrow’s service.
It was to have been the day of confirmation in Douglas and so I refer to that in the service. If your child is part of the current confirmation group you might like to forward this email to the godparents and other family members. The link is also shared on the Douglas Union facebook page and parish website.
As we look into the future and reflect on the ‘road map’ that was outlined yesterday evening, we look forward with hope to being back together again in our churches later in the summer. Until then I intend to keep sending out services like this each week. 
As always, do lift the phone or email me  if you want to talk, or if you have concerns I can help with.
Here is the link to the recorded service.
Every blessing



Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.

The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC