Dear parishioners,
Within the past day or so I have received two useful items of information which I pass on to you. (a) The first relates to an approach I have had from the local Red Cross. They would like to extend the services of the Cork City Red Cross to any members of the community who might benefit from their transport and care facilities. They are offering to transport patients who have to make trips to hospital or to doctors where their normal mode of transport has been compromised. Such people must be Covid-19 negative. While there is pressure on their services, no urgent need will be overlooked. Their local office is at
Half Moon Ln, South Douglas Road, Cork and their phone number is 087-9060312.
I can be a point of contact too as I have direct access to some of those involved in the Red Cross.
A Covid-19 Community Response Helpline is in place in Cork City to ensure that vulnerable members of the community, those living alone, and people who are self-isolating or cocooning can access vital grocery, medicine, fuel deliveries and social care supports.
A dedicated helpline, Community Call, is available from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. seven days a week. The number is 1800-222-226 and support can also be accessed via
Support is available to any individual or family who needs some help due to the Covid-19 crisis.
Cork City has been broken into 16 local area teams with a Cork City Council community worker and HSE community worker in each area who will work with ‘local champions’ – namely the existing voluntary organisations and groups who know their locality and can help to find local solutions to needs. Each of the 16 local areas also has a link to Community Garda Services.
Please continue to share the call line number 1800-222-226 to help connect us with those who may need assistance.
Finally, I hope those parishioners who have experienced loss of income in recent weeks will have applied for the government financial compensation scheme. However if people are still facing difficulties, or for some reason have fallen between the cracks, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can pass on information about Protestant Aid and other organisations who may be able to offer some help.
Please do not hesitate to get in contact with me at any stage if you require support in any way. We do not know how long the current restrictions will pertain and resolve will be required from us all. However together as a parish and wider community, we will get through this and look forward to brighter days ahead.
Kind regards,
Adrian Wilkinson
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC