Dear parishioners and friends,
We are now in the season of Lent. Please find attached the second part of our Lent series ‘Biblical Byways’. You will see that on Sundays I only include the Collect and Psalm of the day. My hope is that you will join me on Sundays for worship online or avail of services on the TV or radio. During the weekdays I hope you will continue to enjoy the story of Jonah and the reflections I have written.
This Sunday’s service is the first in a series on what I term ‘Faithful Habits’. See the attached poster for full details of what to expect in the weeks ahead. The recorded service will be available on our Parish YouTube Channel from this evening. The link to it is here:
Please also find attached the text of this service. I know some of you deliver it in hard copy to other parishioners who live close to you who do not use the internet. I know they value this important way of keeping in touch with the parish while our churches must remain closed.
An email was sent out from the Parish Office yesterday concerning the Review of the Register of Vestry Members. Two Select Vestry meetings will take place this week. I appreciate the work of those who serve the parish in this way as members of these committees. Even though our churches are closed, the work of the parish continues and bills need to be paid.
I wish you all every blessing in this holy season and hope that you will find these weekly emails a source of support and spiritual encouragement in these challenging times. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me at any time if you have particular needs or concerns. Both the Revd Hazel Minion and I are always available to you.
Every blessing,
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC