Dear parishioners and friends,
This Sunday we continue our Lent sermon series ‘Faithful Habits’ by exploring the role the scriptures play in our faith and discipleship. The link to our service of Morning Prayer for the 2nd Sunday in Lent can be found here:
It will be available this evening.
In addition you will find a hard copy of the service attached to this email and also the 3rd part of our Lent Course ‘Biblical Byways’. I hope you enjoyed reading through the short and interesting story of Jonah. For the next two weeks, we move to the New Testament and read the Epistle of James. Please find the passage and reflections attached for the coming week. On Sundays the format changes as I assume you will be looking at the service on the Parish YouTube Channel and so I only provide the psalm and collect of the day.
Last week some pupils from St Michael’s School in Blackrock returned to in class learning. This week sees the return of all pupils from junior infants to 2nd class in both St Michael’s and St Luke’s. We wish the children and their teachers every blessing.
Here is a prayer you might like to use as you think of them.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for our schools. We ask that you bless the children and their teachers and everyone who helps our schools to be the best that they can be. Be with them, we pray, in the weeks ahead. Guide them and watch over them so that in everything that they do, they will show your love to one another, bring your light to the world and grow, day by day, into the knowledge you give to them. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(adapted from the prayer read at the annual service for primary schools in the Diocese.)
Every blessing,
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC