Dear parishioners and friends
Please find the attached recorded service and leaflet for Sunday 10 May. I hope you enjoy it.
Next Sunday (17 May) is Rogation Sunday when we think of creation and ask God for his blessing as we sow our crops and tend our gardens. With this in mind I would love if some of you would send me photos of your gardens and farms at this time of the year. Ideally pictures of sowing / planting as many of you are doing now. Pictures of farm machinery and young animals would also be particularly welcome. Email them to me at this address or simply Whatsapp them to me (0861664805).
Again please keep in touch and don’t hesitate to phone me at any stage if you ever want to talk.
Here is the link to the service and the full text is attached..
Every blessing
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC