Morning Prayer – St. Michael’s Church @ 11am
Badminton – CPH @ 8pm
Hymn Singing will take place in the home of Florence Binion @ 7.30pm.
Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm
Badminton – Marmullane @ 10.30am
Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am
Confirmation Class for both groups –6.45 – 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church, please note venue.
Bowls – CPH @ 7.45pm
Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors. 7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections.
Diocesan Lent Course – Old Schoolhouse Blackrock @ 11am.
Douglas Union Select Vestry – CPH at 8pm.
The Confirmation Group will be hosting the Lent Lunch in aid of Christian Aid response to the current crisis in Africa after Cyclone Idai, and the work of CMS in Zambia, after services next Sunday 7th April in the Canon Packham Hall.
Frankfield Easter General Vestry This will be held in the Sunday School Room in Frankfield on Thursday 11 April at 8pm. It will be preceded by a celebration of the Holy Communion in Holy Trinity Church at 7.30pm.
Thanks to everyone who attended the Old Schoolhouse Lenten Lunch last Wednesday. €350 was raised for the Christian Aid Cyclone Idai Appeal.
St.Nicholas Brass Band will hold their spring concert in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Thursday 4th April at 8pm. This year their guests will be the well known choir, Cantoiri Mhuscrai under their conductor, Gerard Goodwin.
Come & enjoy a wonderful evening of popular & light classical music in the magnificent surroundings of the Cathedral.
Tickets €10 are available from any Band or Choir member or on the door.
Douglas Union of Parishes with Frankfield Golf Outing
Due to a clash with the St. Luke’s Home Golf Classic, we will be postponing our Parish Golf Outing. It will take place instead, on Friday 20th September in Blarney Golf Club. Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but the committee decided that it was best to reschedule. We look forward to a really nice day out in September and hope that we will get a good turnout for what promises to be a great event.
Gene Barry, an international speaker on living alone and loneliness, will be giving a FREE talk to the CPR class in the Supper room of the Canon Packham Hall at 7:00pm on Tues the 9th of April 2019, CPR class will follow. Anyone interested in attending should phone or text John Clifford at 087 2462629 to secure a place.