Dear parishioners and friends,

I am writing this on Saturday morning after the Taoiseach’s speech last night. I hope that as you all stay at home you will find the attached service, video and other material helpful.
The readings are the appointed ones for this Sunday and hold out a message of hope in the midst of our current difficulties.I have also included a children’s activity page linked to the gospel reading and those of you with boxes of lego in your house may enjoy the lego challenge over the 30 days of April (it could be done with playdoh too!)
If you are experiencing financial difficulties or have any practical needs (shopping/ prescriptions etc) please let me know. There are parishioners in every part of our parish who have offered to help. 
I have also received some prayer requests during the week – if you would like me to pray for you or someone you are concerned about, please contact me directly.
Please forward this to anyone who might find it helpful.
Here are the links to the video and the prayers. The service and children’s material are attached.
Click for Service Sheet 5th Sun. in Lent (2020)
Take care and God bless