To-day we welcome and pray for Rossa James, son of Alan and Susan Crowley who will be baptised in St. Luke’s Church this Sunday.




Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm.         

Holy Communion – St. Michael’s Blackrock@ 11am.





Badminton –Marmullane @ 10.30am

Blackrock Lunch – Old School House Blackrock @    12.30pm

Bowls Club – CPH @ 7.45pm.




1st Cork Company  The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm -7pm Anchors.    7.15pm – 8.30pm  Junior and Company sections.




Sunday 4th Oct.  


Harvest Thanksgiving in St. Mary’s Marmullane at 7pm. Guest preacher Canon Eithne Lynch.




This Sunday’s Readings

Old Testament

Numbers 11: 4-6, 10-16, 24-29 p134 (NRSV)


19: 7-14 p20 (B.C.P)


James 5: 13-20 p228 (NRSV)


Mark 9: 38-50  p43 (NRSV)




Bible Study will take place in the home of Carol Boylan, Moneygourney on Thursday, 1st October at 7.30pm.


An Invitation to Remember… A Service of Remembrance will be held by Cork University Maternity Hospital on Friday 16th October2015 at7.30pm in the Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, Cork.  All who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss are welcome to attend.


The total collections taken in aid of agencies bringing relief in the midst of the refugee crisis are; Frankfield €416.58, Marmullane €135.50, Douglas €461.14 and Blackrock €694.

A total of €1360 was raised at the Frankfield Parish Cake Sale and Raffle which took place recently at Frankfield Church.  Thank you to everyone who helped and supported on the day.


A note for the diary:  A parish fundraiser Coffee Morning will take place in the Canon Packham Hall on Saturday, 7th November.  More details to follow.


Eircode:  We would be obliged if all Parishioners could forward their new post Eircode to the Parish Office at their convenience in order that the Parish Database can be updated accordingly.