
Badminton – CPH @ 8pm



Parish Art Group – Old Schoolhouse @ 10am.

Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm.



Badminton –Marmullane @ 10.30am

Old School House Lunch @ Old School House, Blackrock @ 12.30pm

Confirmation Class – Canon Packham Hall, 6.45-7.45.

Bowls Club – CPH @ 7.45pm.



1st Cork Company, The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors.   7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections.


This Sunday’s Readings

Old Testament

Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10 p449 (NRSV)


19 p611  (B.C.P)


1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a p170 (NRSV)


Luke 4: 14-21, (22-30) p58 (NRSV)




Prayer for Christian Unity 2016. Bishop Paul Colton will preach on Sunday, 24th January in the Church of the Incarnation, Frankfield at 7pm.  All welcome.


Sunday School will resume on Sunday 31st January at St Mary’s, Marmullane. All children welcome.


Register of Vestrypersons: Under diocesan rules, the annual review of the Register of Vestrypersons this year is to take place between 27th January and 27th February. This year the register for Douglas Union will be examined on Wednesday 3 February at 11.30 in St. Luke’s Church immediately after the mid-week Eucharist. That evening the review for Frankfield will take place at 8pm in the Sunday School Room there, immediately before the Vestry meeting.

Services and Sausages:  Sunday 7th February @ 6pm (and each first Sunday of the month until May). Short service in St. Luke’s Church, Douglas …… followed by Hot Dogs (Gluten Free & Vegetarians Catering for) & Juice in Canon Packham Hall.  All primary school children and parents most welcome!


Help Needed: This year the Cork City World Day of Prayer Service will be held in St. Luke’s Douglas, on Friday 4th March at 11am.  One or two people or needed to link with the other church representatives to make the arrangements.  Contact Rev. Hazel