Holy Baptism: Today Harper Leslie Donnelly will be baptised in St Luke’s Church, Douglas. We welcome her and her parents Brian and Vikki and their families and friends.


Monday               Badminton – CPH @ 8pm

Tuesday             Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm

Wednesday        Bowls – CPH @ 8pm

Thursday           1st Cork Company The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors.  7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections.



Cork Ecumenical Bible Week – Word Alive! – May 21st – 27th 2018. The inaugural Cork Ecumenical Bible Week extends a warm welcome to everyone.  No expertise required. Presentations and informal discussions on bible passages which are the Word Alive for local presenters. Followed by refreshments. Just come along – no need to book and no charge.

Tuesday 22 May @ 7.30pm, RC Church of the Holy Cross Mahon with Rev. Sean O’Sullivan, Wednesday 23rd May @ 7.30pm, The Old Schoolhouse, Blackrock with Ms Florence Binions and Thursday 24th May @ 7.30pm, Cork Methodist Church, Ardfallen with Rev. Geraldine Gracie.

Keynote Address: Dr. Katie M. Heffelfinger, Church of Ireland Theological Institute, Sunday 27th May @ 7.30pm Sacred Heart Hall, Western Road. (Donation, no booking required).

Contact Rev David Bowles -089/2364969, Rev. Geraldine Gracie – gracieno1@hotmail.com or Rev. Sean O’Sullivan – 087/2151894.


Easter General Vestry Elections

Douglas Union of Parishes

Churchwardens and Glebewardens

Marmullane    Incumbent’s Churchwarden    Shirley Clarke-Swanton

Vestry Churchwarden               Alfred Hosford


Douglas         Incumbent’s Churchwarden       Philip Doherty

Vestry Churchwarden                  Liam Cotter


Blackrock      Incumbent’s Churchwarden       David Kerr

Vestry Churchwarden                  Keith Dawson


Incumbent’s Glebewarden          Mervyn Hosford

Vestry Glebewarden                     Benny Hayes


Select Vestry – John Kershaw (Hon. Treasurer), Kieran Hogan (Hon. Secretary)

Anne Hevers, Aoife Bhreatnach, David Perrott, Fred Cassidy, Ivan Johnston, Martin Brennan, Patricia Bogan, Stephen Daunt, Tom Chambers and Vicky Coomber.


Holy Trinity Church Frankfield

Churchwardens and Glebewarden

Incumbent’s Churchwarden       James Maythan

Vestry Churchwarden                  John French

Vestry Glebewarden                     John Kingston

Hon. Secretary                                Noel Locke

Hon. Treasurer                                Roger Flack


Due to its trustee status, all parishioners in Frankfield are permitted to attend meetings of the Select Vestry.

We thank all those who serve the parish in this capacity. Their commitment is appreciated.