
Badminton – CPH @ 8pm



Parish Art Group – Old Schoolhouse, Blackrock @ 10am

Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm.



Badminton –Marmullane @ 10.30am

Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am

Bible Study in the home of Ailsa Jones, Passage West @ 2.30pm

Bowls Club – CPH @ 7.45pm



1st Cork Company The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm -7pm Anchors.      7.15pm – 8.30pm  Junior and Company sections.

 Bible Study in the home of Carol Boylan, Moneygourney @ 7.30pm



Parish Fundraiser Coffee Morning @ 10am – 12noon. Please support this event  by being there and donating to and buying from the different stalls.




This Sunday’s Readings

Old Testament

Isaiah 25: 6-9 p662 (NRSV)


24 p616 (B.C.P)


Revelation 21: 1-6a p257 (NRSV)


John 11: 32-44 P102 (NRSV)



Andrew Chambers Memorial Hockey Match in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation is on in Garryduff Sports Centre on Sat 7th November at 5pm, cake sale will begin at 3.30pm, all welcome.


On Sunday, 8th November at Choral Evensong and the ​Annual Act of Remembrance at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral ​the Bishop will dedicate  the Diocesan World War 1 memorial installation to mark the centenary of the war (1914-1918).  Parishioners and their friends from throughout the Diocese are encouraged to attend and a particular invitation is extended to everyone who submitted photographs and information about loved ones (casualties of the war and war veterans) for inclusion in the memorial.


Ardfallen Fair will be held on Saturday, 14th November in the Ardfallen House at 10am-2pm.


The Discovery Gospel Choir ‘Look Up’ Concert with the Bandon Grammar School Choir takes place on Saturday 14th November at 7.30 p.m. in St. Peter’s Church in Bandon.  Donations welcome on the night.   Money raised will be supporting the Christian Aid Christmas Appeal [Nigeria – mosquito nets].  It promises to be a fantastic night of music.


A Coffee Morning will be held in St Mary’s Church Hall Marmullane on Saturday 21st November from 10am – 12 noon in aid of Hall Restoration funds. Entry 3 euros to include scone and coffee/tea.  Sales table and raffle.


Between November and February, it has been decided that the side transept door in St. Luke’s will be closed for normal Sunday services to maintain heat in the church. Thank you for your cooperation with this.