Morning Prayer – St. Michael’s Church @ 11am
Badminton – CPH @ 8pm. New members welcome.
Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm
#LiveLent Discussion Group meets in the Rectory at 8pm.
Badminton – Marmullane @ 10.30am
Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am
Bible Studies in the home of Joan Miller, Ballintemple @ 2.30pm
Confirmation Class – CPH 6.45 – 7.30pm.
Bowls – CPH @ 7.45pm
1st Cork Company The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors. 7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections
Bible Studies in the home of Carol Boylan, Moneygourney @ 7.30pm
Frankfield Vestry meets in the Sunday School Room @ 8pm.
#LiveLent Discussion Group meets in the CPH (upstairs room) 11.00am – 12noon. All welcome even if you are not following the daily reading course.
The Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown Grow It Yourself Group will host a vegetable seed swap night and related talk in Marmullane Hall on Thursday 22nd February @ 7:30pm. A great chance for beginners or anyone new to gardening to learn about growing veg at the start of a new growing year. €5 No booking necessary. For more info call 086 2405573 or email:
Review of the Register of Vestry Persons: This annual review will take place in Frankfield on Thursday 22 February at 8pm just before the vestry meeting. For Douglas Union it will happen in the upstairs room in the Canon Packham Hall at 7.45pm on Wednesday 28 February after the Confirmation Class. If you are new to the parish, or have become 18 in the past year, please fill in the register application form at the back of the church and return it to the churchwardens. Your name can then be added to our electoral register which allows you to vote at the Easter General Vestry. Even though you are already on our parish pastoral lists, you will need to fill in this form to be added to this register. See the notice for in the church porch for details.
On Sunday, 4th March RTE Morning Service will be conducted bilingually by Bishop Michael Burrows, preacher Rev Tony Murphy, features three of our parishioners and was organised by Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise.
Bible Studies will take place in the home of Joan Miller, Ballintemple on Wednesday, 7th March at 2.30pm and in the home of Carol Boylan, Moneygourney on Thursday, 8th March at 7.30pm.
Douglas Churches Together – Preparations for Holy Week
Meeting for those interested in helping will take place on Thursday, 8th March at 7.30pm. Venue to be confirmed later.
Lent Men’s Breakfast will be held in Bull McCabe’s, Airport Hill on Saturday, 10th March at 9am. Guest speaker will be Mr. John Creedon from RTE. Tickets are €12.50 which include a full cooked breakfast. Tickets will be available from:
Howard Dunne – 086/1739245, Derek Dunne – 086/1786264,
David & Alan Wolfe – 086/1235865, Keith Dawson – 087/2409965
and Alan Campbell – 087/7444215
Thanks to the great generosity of Tom and Gwen Chambers, an AED has been provided to both St. Luke’s National School and to the parish. It is mounted on the wall of the school near the main door. This AED has a special switch which means that it can be used on both children and adults. Mr. Peter McDaid will run a Certified CPR course in the Canon Packham Hall on Monday, 12th March at 7pm-10pm. This is open to all parishioners. The course costs €10 for the equipment and certificate. Please contact the parish office to book your place on 4369578 or email
#LiveLent – Let your light shine booklets are available for free at the back of the churches. Please take them if you are going to use them each day during Lent or alternatively download the App for Android and IOS. It will take less than 5 minutes each day to read the short passage and reflection bases on it, as well as the prayer and prompt to action. The parish has paid £3 sterling for each copy. If you would like to donate something towards this cost, why not put something extra on the collection plate.
Certificate in Christian Studies: The information and application forms for the new Certificate in Christian Studies, which is being run by the Diocese with the support of St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, are now available in the churches. Spaces are limited on this course, so book promptly.