
Morning Prayer – St. Michael’s Church @ 11am

Badminton – CPH @ 8pm.  New members welcome.

CPR Course – CPH @ 7-10pm



Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm

Parish Book Club – The Rectory @ 8pm

#LiveLent Discussion Group meets in 22, Inchvale Drive, Shamrock Lawn at 8pm.



Badminton – Marmullane @ 10.30am

Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am

Confirmation Class – CPH 6.45 – 7.30pm.

Bowls – CPH @ 7.45pm



1st Cork Company The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors.  7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections



#LiveLent Discussion Group meets in the CPH (upstairs room) 11.00am – 12noon. All welcome even if you are not following the daily reading course.

St. Patrick’s   Day 17th   

Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am



Bible Studies will take place in the home of Joan Miller, Ballintemple on Wednesday, 21st March at 2.30pm and in the home of Carol Boylan, Moneygourney on Thursday, 22nd March at 7.30pm.


A Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 24th March from 10am -12 midday at Marmullane Church Hall. General Sales table, Raffle and Plants. €3 entry includes coffee/tea and homemade scone. Proceeds towards renovations of the annexe. This will be the first coffee morning in the newly refurbished church hall. Everyone very welcome.


2018 has been designated by the Government as” Bliain na Gaeilge” to mark the 125th Anniversary of the establishment of the Gaelic League (By Douglas Hyde).  For the sixth year there will be a bilingual service in honour of our National Apostle in St Mary’s Church,  Carrigaline at 7.30PM on 16th March (The Eve of St Patricks Day).  The address this year will be given Sr Kathleen McGarvey, Provincial Leader of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA’s). Kathleen has extensive experience in the Developing World including Christian Muslim relations. Locally she is a member of the Cork 3 Faith Forum. The bilingual service will again be supported by Monkstown Chamber Choir under the direction of Mr. Roger Ellis. Parishioners from all parishes in the Dioceses will be warmly welcomed.




Members of the Douglas & St. Fin Barrs’ Scout Group, hope to be in attendance for the St. Patricks Day Service at St. Luke’s Church in full Uniform. They will be holding their annual St. Patricks Day Cake sale in their Scout Hall afterwards.