The Rector writes……
This month we bid farewell to Revd David Bowles and we wish him well as he prepares for a new sphere of ministry in Moviddy Union and in Cork University Hospital. On Sunday 17th November, there will be a special ‘Songs of Praise’ in St Luke’s Church, Douglas at 7.30pm and afterwards presentations will be made to David and his family at a reception in the Canon Packham Hall. All are welcome to both the service and reception.
David’s Service of Licensing and Introduction to Moviddy Union will be held on Thursday 21st November in St Mark’s Church, Kilbonane. Unfortunately, space is very limited in the church. It seats about 80 and a specially erected marquee will seat an addition 40. However, there will be a reception in the GAA Hall in Cloughduv after the service and so parishioners may wish to go to it later that evening and so avoid attending the service. While this is not ideal, it might be the best option so that people are not left standing outside the church or in the adjoining tent on a cold winter evening. The Bishop has emphasised that the service on 21st is primarily for the Moviddy parishioners to welcome David and so I hope people in this parish will be at the ‘Songs of Praise’ to send him off!
1st November is All Saints’ Day. This period in the church calendar is traditionally a time of remembrance as we think of loved ones who have gone ahead of us and continue their worship of God in heaven. We celebrate the lives of all who, in varied and in often testing circumstances, have shared in the Church’s life and mission. According to St Paul, ‘saints’ (Latin sanctus – meaning set apart of a special purpose) are what all Christians are called to be. (1 Corinthians 1:2). As you think of the ‘saints’ who have had a positive influence on you, perhaps the following prayer might be helpful.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for your love
shown in the lives of all your saints:
those who lived in the past and those living now;
those whose names are well known
and those whose names are known only to you.
Come then Lord and help your people, bought with the price of your own blood;
and bring us with all your saints to glory everlasting.
Yours in Christ, Adrian
St Luke’s School Notes September is a busy month and this year was no exception in St Luke’s. All our after-school activities are back in full swing. These include hockey, soccer, swimming, tennis, choir, art and
fundamental movement skills.
Our 6th Class represented us at the Diocesan Schools’ Service in Bandon recently, they brought €250 as a contribution to the collection for maize production in Burundi and really enjoyed being part of the Diocesan family of schools. Thank you to all who organise this worthwhile service every year.
Our new PA organised a very successful Coffee To Go and Cake Sale, a total of €402 was raised for school funds.
We were delighted to welcome Shane Hegarty, the author of the ‘Dartmouth’ series to school. He spoke to 2nd,3rd and 4th classes about his writing. Thank you to Douglas Library who organised this visit.
Miss Charlotte Hall, a student at the DCU Institute of Education will be with us for three weeks on teaching practice. Welcome Charlotte.
We said “Goodbye” to the Revd David Bowles at assembly recently and presented him with a gift. We are delighted that he will continue in St Luke’s as a parent in the school.
Junior Infants and their buddies from 6th Class really enjoyed an Autumn walk in our nearby Ballybrack Woods, it is wonderful to have such an amenity so close to our school.
Brass Band Concert The St Nicholas Brass Band is holding a concert in St Michael’s Church, Blackrock on Friday 8 November at 8pm. Tickets will be available at the door and all are welcome.
New Primary School Boards of Management This month we take the opportunity to say a word of thanks to those who serve on the Boards of Management in the two primary schools in our parish. Their four-year term of office is coming to an end. Bertie Smith, is the current chairperson of the Board in St. Michael’s School in Blackrock and he is willing to remain in that position. We thank him for his ongoing commitment to the school. Other members whose term of office also comes to an end in Blackrock are Revd David Bowles, Dr Richard Scriven, Jim O’Mahony and Claire Gavin. The teachers’ representatives are Annemarie O’Donovan and Alison Quill.
In St. Luke’s School in Douglas the Board is chaired by Roger Flack. He is standing down after eight years of service. In that time he has made a huge contribution to the school and we sincerely thank him. The outgoing members of this school board are Jennifer Miller, Gordon Jermyn, Shane Treacy and Anne O’Driscoll. The teachers’ representatives are Olwen Anderson and Helen Wilson. The rector serves on both these committees as one of the Patron’s representatives.
Each week a huge quantity of work is done by these volunteers to ensure that our primary schools run smoothly. If the Department of Education had to pay for all that such people do in a voluntary capacity, it would amount to thousands of euro each year. All this is done to serve the needs of the pupils, parents and staff in our schools. We are very grateful for all that these boards of management have done over the past four years.
A process is in train whereby new boards will be formed in the coming weeks. While some of the current members may be re-elected, inevitably there will be change. The names of those nominated or elected for the next four years will be announced in due course when they have been submitted to the Patron and approved by the Minister of Education.
Annual Theatre Supper Night Our Annual Theatre Supper nights in conjunction with Carrigaline Parish are drawing near and tickets will be on sale from early November. We are running for three nights again, Thursday 28th, Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November. We will be starting at 7:30pm each evening with the meal being served between the two plays. Tables of 8-10 can be reserved and wine and soft drinks will be available each night. We would be very grateful for any donations to our raffle and these can be left with one of our ticket sellers.
Tickets can be purchased from:
Douglas – Kieran Hogan (087-0508024)
Blackrock – David Kerr (086-8109825)
Frankfield – Marcia Appelbe (087-7707873)
Passage – Shirley Clarke-Swanton (087-2212969)
St. Luke’s School – Emily O’Donoghue (087-2955520)
Hymn singing: Tuesdays 7.30-9.30
5th November, 3rd December dv.
Please contact Florence Binions if interested, as space is limited.
Bible Studies in Joan Miller’s home on Wednesdays at 3 p.m.
6th & 20th November; 4th December dv. New members welcome.
Bible Studies in Carol Boylan’s home at 7.30pm on Thursday, 7th November & Thursday 5th December and on Wednesday, 13th November at 7.30pm. Carols at Carol’s will be held on Wed 11th December. New members welcome. Please contact Florence Binions or any of the clergy if interested in joining either group.
GIY Grow it Yourself, will meet in St. Mary’s Church Hall Passage West on Thursday, 21st October at 7.30pm. Get growing tasty fruit and veg! For beginners, intermediate and experienced veg and fruit growers. Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month. For more information email or phone 085/8701386
Preparations continue for the Christmas Market to be held in conjunction with the Tree Sale on 7 December (10 am – 1 pm). On sale will be Christmas-themed items – luxury holly wreaths, red berry holly, mistletoe, homemade preserves, homemade mincemeat and mince pies, chutneys, craft decorations and container plants including sage, rosemary and thyme for the perfect turkey stuffing. A modest entry fee will entitle patrons to sip a Badger and Dodo coffee while enjoying the choir in festive mood and to participate in a raffle for prizes which include Christmas cake, hampers, a tree and a half-case of Christmas wines. We would very much like to hear from parishioners willing to commit to supplying fare associated with the festive season – in particular, craft decorations, preserves, biscuits, logs, mince pies, etc. While homemade products of the kind labelled “artisan” are particularly welcome, we will be happy to accept, for re-sale, donated shop-bought items associated with Christmas (e.g. crackers, chocolates). Inevitably, given the busy time of year, there will be parishioners unable to attend on the day, for whatever reason. Donations in lieu of attendance will be gratefully received!
Shirley Clarke-Swanton 087 2212969, Anne Hevers 087 9967705, Ivan Johnston 086 2573948
Aoife Bhreatnach 086 8637514, Stephen Daunt 087 2389357, David Kerr 086 8109825
‘Just for Girls’. This is a fun activity event run four or five times a year on Saturdays for primary school aged girls. It is supported by the Church of Ireland and Methodist Church and takes place in Ardfallen. All girls are welcome on Saturday 16th November from 11am – 3pm for crafts, games and stories.
Old Schoolhouse Lunch The next parish lunch in the Old Schoolhouse in Blackrock takes place on Wednesday 27 November. All are welcome to come and enjoy a lovely three course meal, conversation and fellowship. Our parish catering team are to be congratulated on the lovely and varied menu they provide each month.
Raising Funds for Cloyne Cathedral. Darina Allen Cooks for Christmas on Thursday, 28th November in Grainstore, Ballymaloe at 7.30pm. Tickets cost €30 and can be purchased at or phone 087/1327541 or 086/8733849. The entry ticket includes raffle of dishes demonstrated.
Cork Street Pastors. Would you like to get involved with this important charity? Volunteers come from 9 Christian churches representing the 4 main denominations in addition to the Baptist church and 4 Charismatic/Pentecostal churches in the city. Duty is once a month on a Saturday night from 10.30pm to 4.00am.
Training is provided and prospective volunteers have an opportunity to accompany the team on the street on two separate occasions as supervised Observers. This gives them an insight into the work and environment and often helps to make their minds up, one way or another about continuing. The cost of Uniforms and Training is borne by the volunteers and sometimes their churches assist with the expense. This works out at €220 per person which is pretty much the net cost of the clothing element. There is no difficulty in spreading payment over a number of months or longer if necessary. Its never a stumbling block to getting involved. You can email Cork Street Pastors for more information.
Anam Cara Cork the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on 6th November at 7:20pm in The Clayton Hotel, Cork City. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents.
A TASTE OF BOOLEAN POETRY A reading of and commentary on the poetry of George Boole and his daughter Mary Ellen Hinton will take place in the Seminar Room of the Boole Library, University College Cork, on Monday, November 4th, 2019, at 5.15pm. Admission is free, and all interested are welcome. Participants will include John FitzGerald, Yvonne Cohen, Daw Harding, and Des MacHale. Many of the poems in question are currently unpublished and throw significant light on the characters of George and Mary Ellen and the historical events surrounding them. They are of particular interest to Cork, UCC, and Ireland.
CLICK ON LINK Church Services November 2019