Newsletter of Douglas Union with Frankfield June 2019
The Rector writes……
Last month I attended the General Synod of the Church of Ireland, which for the first time ever was held in Derry. It was a long drive from Cork, but well worth the journey. We got a great welcome from the people of Derry and Raphoe, and their bishop, Rt. Revd Ken Good. He is known to many of us here in Cork as he is both a son of this Diocese and a former chaplain of Ashton School. In fact, hosting the Synod was one of his last official duties prior to his retirement.
The Synod this year was interesting, and it passed some very significant pieces of legislation for our church. A bill was passed to make provision for The Service of Prayer and Naming and the Funeral Service in Cases of Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death. An amendment was passed to this very important service which acknowledged that necessitous terminations are included in this pastoral response, as are those tragic situations where the baby has a life-limiting condition and so may not survive the pregnancy. I know that this service will bring great support and comfort to parents who find themselves grieving the loss of their child in such sad circumstances.
Perhaps less significantly, a bill was passed to make Provision for Holy Communion by Extension for Persons Unable to be Present at the Public Celebration. In effect this is now making permanent what has been an experimental service approved for use by the bishops up to now.
Finally a third bill to unite under one bishop the two United Dioceses of Tuam, Killala and Achonry and Limerick, Ardfert, Aghadoe, Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, Kilmacduagh and Emly was passed. In effect this means that when either Bishop Rooke of Tuam or Bishop Kearon of Limerick and Killaloe retires, the remaining bishop will assume responsibility for the other diocese and their successors will, from now on, have responsibility for an area up the west coast stretching from Kenmare to Ballina. In future there will be 11 Church of Ireland bishops instead of the current 12.
However, the Synod is not all about legislation. As usual, reports were presented and a wide range of topics discussed, which impact on us all at parish level. One interesting one related to the environment and climate change. As parishes we were all asked to do four things to help the environment and reduce waste. These were:
To avoid using plastic or polystyrene cups instead of ordinary cups and to wash up after services and social events. Where possible, single use plastics should be avoided.
To keep part of our graveyards set aside as wild areas where native flowers and grasses can grow and so provide pollen for the bees and a habitat for other insects.
To replace old light bulbs with LED ones which are much more efficient.
To replace old heating boilers which are wasteful and inefficient with modern ones.
As a parish we have taken some tentative steps towards some of these objectives. However, we have still a way to go. These goals are all relatively inexpensive, or where a significant investment is required initially, the savings will repay it in time.
On a personal note, it was my first time in Derry. As someone who remembers many of the famous landmarks in that city, for all the wrong reasons from news bulletins 30 and 40 years ago, it was wonderful to see a place at peace and gaining in prosperity. However, we all know that it is a fragile peace. The murder of the 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee in April reminded us all of that. The current political vacuum in Northern Ireland has not helped consolidate the progress made since the Good Friday Agreement and the uncertainty surrounding Brexit has not helped either. It is perhaps easy for us to forget this in the relative tranquillity of Cork. Please pray for politicians both north and south, as well as in the UK and further afield, that they may have courage to take the necessary steps to promote peace, justice and prosperity for all.
Yours in Christ, Adrian.
Diocesan Synod The Diocesan Synod this year is being held at the Cork International Airport Hotel on 8th June. The Eucharist will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church, Frankfield at 9.30 to start of the day’s proceedings. Parishioners, who are not members of the Diocesan Synod, are also welcome to attend this service.
Recent Fundraising On 18 May a successful Coffee Morning was held in the Old Schoolhouse in Blackrock which raised €1500 for parish funds. The following week, a similar event was held in the parish hall in Marmullane. It raised €1275. Both were very enjoyable social events as well as being a financial successful. We thank all those who ran the stalls, provided refreshments and who supported them on the day.
Christ is Risen! In this season of Easter, we are grateful to all those who decorated our churches and were involved in our services on Easter Day.
Confirmation Celebrations. On Sunday 28 April, 18 of our younger parishioners enjoyed a day of celebrations in St Luke’s Church, as they were confirmed. The Bishop in his sermon reflected on the person of Thomas and reminded the large congregation that it is always important to keep asking questions. He said that through questioning and probing like Thomas, we learn and grow in our faith.
Easter General Vestry. The Easter General Vestry for Douglas Union was held on 2 May. It was an encouraging and well attended meeting. The results of the elections are as follows:
Churchwardens and Glebewardens
Incumbent’s Churchwarden Shirley Clarke-Swanton
Vestry Churchwarden Alfred Hosford
Incumbent’s Churchwarden Philip Doherty
Vestry Churchwarden Kieran Hogan
Incumbent’s Churchwarden Denis Hinchion
Vestry Churchwarden David Kerr
Incumbent’s Glebewarden Mervyn Hosford
Vestry Glebewarden Tom Chambers
Select Vestry – John Kershaw (Hon. Treasurer), Kieran Hogan (Hon. Secretary)
Anne Hevers, Aoife Bhreatnach, Ivan Johnston, Janet Dillon, Jean Wade, Keith Dawson, Liam Cotter, Martin Brennan, Patricia Bogan, Stephen Daunt, Vicky Coomber.
Wedding Celebrations. We have enjoyed two weddings in the parish in recent weeks. On Saturday 4 May, Naomi Meany and Peter Barber were married in Holy Trinity Church, Frankfield. On Thursday 9 May, Catriona Keeffe and Jim O’Mahony were married in St Michael’s Church, Blackrock. As Jim and Catriona’s daughter Lucy sings in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral Choir, many choir members were there to lead the singing on the day. We wish both couples every blessing and happiness in the future.
Condolence. We extend our sympathy to Pauline, Carol and Mark Shorten on the death of their mother Kathleen (Kay) Shorten following a short illness. Her funeral took place in St Michael’s Church in Blackrock on Monday 13 May. She was a very knowledgeable gardener and flower arranger. Many of the friends she made through horticulture attended the service. We pray for her family at this sad time.
Diocesan Synod The Diocesan Synod again this year is being held at the Cork International Airport Hotel. On Saturday 8 June, the Eucharist will be celebrated in Holy Trinity Church, Frankfield at the start of the day’s proceedings. Readers are reminded that there is ample car parking at the church itself and overflow parking in the housing estate opposite the church if required. We look forward to a fruitful day of reports, discussion and deliberation as we review mission and ministry in the Diocese and look forward to the future under God’s guidance.
Methodist Guest Preachers. This month the annual Methodist Conference will be held in Cork. As a result, a
number of visiting Methodist ministers are going to be preaching in several parishes throughout the diocese. We look forward to welcoming the Revd Cheryl Patterson to Passage and Douglas and the Revd Stephen Taylor to Frankfield and Blackrock on Sunday 16 June. It is good that our covenant relationship with the Methodist Church can have visible and practical expression in this way.
End of School Year Services. The end of this academic year will be marked as usual with special church services. For St Michael’s staff and pupils, it will be on Wednesday 26 June and for St Luke’s it will be the following day. In Douglas the guest speaker will be the Revd Cliff Jeffers. We look forward to having him with us.
Zambia Trip Update
After a very enjoyable meeting in CPH on 14th May, and the wonderful support of the Book Club and Confirmation group, my preparations continue apace. Vaccinations are next, aaagh! As our team commissioning in Antrim is so far from Cork, Ven Adrian has suggested that we mark the Zambia trip at the Holy Communion service in Douglas on 30th June before it all begins on 8th July. It is great to have so much support from the parish; thank you all so much. I look forward to telling you all about it when we return. Hazel
Anam Cara Cork, the operation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Remembrance Evening on Wednesday 5th June at 7.20pm at the Lough, Cork, followed by Tea and Coffee in the Hawthorn. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.
St Luke’s School Notes
Thanks to all who supported our Parents’ Association Coffee to Go and Cake Sale. They raised 273euro which will go towards their Annual Summer BBQ – a most enjoyable family event. They also organized a most worthwhile workshop called “Effortless Parenting” which was very well attended by our parent body.
Our Student Council were also busy fund raising for the Irish Cancer Society. They organized a Non-Uniform and Crazy Nail Day and raised 450euro.
Congratulations to Livia Habermayer and Alex Dale who won an Easter Colouring Competition.
St Luke’s School were invited to be part of the Creative Schools’ Project funded by the Arts Council. The pupils have been involved in a huge variety of workshops including Coding, Sugar Craft, Animation, Rapping, Cookery and Drumming.
Our pupils have also been involved in many sporting activities this term. They enjoyed a Tag Rugby Tournament, a Swimming Gala, a Soccer Tournament and plenty of Athletics. Our 5th and 6th Classes enjoyed an “on the water” rowing lesson on the River Lee. Thank you to all in Shandon Boat Club and the Cork Sports Partnership who facilitated this opportunity.
Examinations: Finally, at this time of the year we are mindful of all our younger parishioners who are sitting examinations. Perhaps they will find the prayer below helpful.
Lord Jesus, you understand the challenges that we all must face.
I ask that you guide me as I take examinations.
Open my mind, clear my thoughts, relax my body and grant me perfect concentration, so that I may use the knowledge I have gained, for the good of all. I trust that your loving hand will hold me and lead into a bright future.
Church Services June 2019 .
Please press link to view the schedule.
Parish Contacts:
Ven. Adrian Wilkinson, Tel: 4891539. E-mail: (Day off Monday)
Rev. David Bowles Tel: 4358226. Email: (Day off Saturday)
Rev. Hazel Minion, Tuesday/Wednesday)
Parish Office Tel: 4369578. E-mail: mornings only)
Parish Website: Follow us on twitter @DouglasUnion or on Facebook