Parish Organisations and Activities
Confirmation Group meets each year and is generally made up of teenagers. A course lasting approximately ten weeks is run by the clergy and others to help young people explore their faith. Separate provision is made in the case of adults who wish to be confirmed.
Bible Study / Home Group (usually lay led) meets regularly in parishioners’ homes.
Lent / Advent Courses are held regularly and usually meet in the Rectory.
Prayer Group meets monthly in a parishioner’s home.
Bowling Club meets weekly in the Canon Packham Hall usually on Wednesday evenings as well as on other days for competitions.
Badminton Clubs (at Marmullane and Douglas) meet at a variety of times during the day and evening.
Marmullane Social Club organizes occasional events in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Passage West.
Parish Book Club meets in the Rectory on a monthly basis between September and Easter. A wider variety of books are chosen.
‘Old School Lunches’ are held in the Old Schoolhouse in Blackrock from September to May on the last Wednesday of the month. Approximately forty people gather to enjoy a three course meal and a chat. There is a modest charge to cover costs and raise money for charity.
The Combined Parish Choirs practices for occasional special services and for Holy Week. All interested singers are welcome.
Organisations hosted by the parish in our halls include:
1st Cork Boys’ Brigade Company (Anchor Boys, Junior Section, Company Section) Open to girls and boys of primary and secondary school age.
Whist Drives are generally held on the last Saturday of each month from October to April in the Canon Packham Hall .
Douglas Flower Club issue a calendar of their meetings in the Canon Packham Hall
Brownies and Ladybirds meet on Saturday mornings in the Canon Packham Hall.
The Canon Packham Hall is also used by St. Luke’s National School and other church groups. Occasional sales, coffee mornings and other fundraising ventures are also held in the hall periodically.
If you would like further information on any of these activities, please contact one of the clergy.