Dear parishioners and friends,
Normally on the first Sunday in December, we would have the annual St Luke’s School Christmas Sale. Each year pupils and parents are invited to come to the special Advent service in St Luke’s Church before it. Unfortunately this year the sale can’t go ahead. While St Luke’s Church will be open again this Sunday, there will also be a recorded service put up on our parish YouTube Channel. Thanks to members of 6th class who recorded themselves reading for our service this Sunday. It is great to have them and Ms Anderson involved in this way. Next year we look forward to having the sale again and the children involved in the service in church beforehand.
For this and all our parish services for Advent and Christmas on YouTube, they can be found on this link:
For those attending our church services now that we are permitted to reopen again, I would remind you that we are still at Level 3, with modifications. The last time we gathered in church was under Level 2 restrictions, so our services before and over Christmas will be different than when we were in church in the summer and early autumn.
Yesterday evening the government issued specific guidelines governing church services.
I list some of the relevant points for your information.
1. Please do not attend church if you in any way feel unwell or think you may have been in contact with someone who is exhibiting symptoms or has been a confirmed case of COVID-19. People in vulnerable age or health categories are encouraged to avail of online services if possible.
2. Services will be short – no longer than 35/40 mins to allow for arrival and departure inside the 1 hour limit.
3. There is an absolute maximum of 50 people allowed in any of our church buildings. In some cases the capacity is less than that depending on the number of family pods attending. Please be understanding of churchwardens or stewards if you arrive and the church is full. In Douglas we hope to have the outside speakers set up so that those who arrive late can hear the service from the comfort of their cars!
4. Cloth face coverings, as opposed to perspex visors are to be worn at all times in church and in church grounds.Please use the hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the building and keep at least 2 metres from others outside your family group.
5. There will be no choir or congregational singing of any kind at any of our services. I know this will be a disappointment to you at this time of the year, but singing spreads the virus. We hope that where possible a soloist, while wearing a mask, may be able to sing quietly into a microphone while being socially distanced or behind a perspex screen.
6. The ventilation of buildings during use has been emphasised. This means that while there will be heat on in the churches, the doors will be kept ajar to allow for air circulation during the service. So please come dressed to keep warm, but remember the service will be short too.
Some other items of information
Unfortunately there will be no Christmas Tree Sale in aid of the parish this year. It would be hard to keep inside the number limit for outside gatherings and social distance when netting the trees.
Best wishes
Revd. Hazel Minion brings to your attention these two notices:
Zambia link: Our Parish has supported Keith and Lynn Scott working with CMSI in Kitwe, Zambia, training future leaders of the church there. Their term of work is now complete and they return to Ireland this weekend. They are grateful for your support and would value your prayers as they self isolate and readjust to life here.
A Chairde
Is e an Luain seo chughainn Lá Breithe Naomh Columba a rugadh sa bhliain 521.
Ón la sin go dtí 7 Nollag 2021 beidh Comóradh ar saol an Naomh in Éirinn agus in Alban .
In ionas an seirbhís ar an dara Satharn den mhí beidh ceiliúradh na Comaoineach Naofa ar an Luain san Ard Eaglais ar mean lae an uair seo.
Beidh an ceiliúradh ar an príomh altóir agus mar sin ta cead ag éinne freastail ar an seirbhís ma suíonn siad I lár an eaglais
Táim cinnte nach mbeadh 50 ann.!!!
Beidh an seirbhís ar an idirlinn chomh maith agus ón Máirt ar you tube .
An féidir éinne atá ag teacht r phost a sheol do Hazel chun go mbeidh Ord Seirbhís le fáil
As above, our monthly service has been transferred to next Monday-birth day of Columba- to mark the beginning of the year of St Columba .
His 1500th anniversary in Dec 2021 will mark the end of the commemoration the following December.
The cathedral is open and the service will be from the main altar.
People who wish to attend the service may do so subject to all the regulations — sitting in the main body of the Church, Social Distancing, masks etc
Given that our average attendance is 12-15 there will be plenty of space available in the main body of the Church.
We totally understand that some people will not be in a position to attend due to vulnerability and fortunately the service will be available LIVE and on You Tube from 1.00PM on Tuesday
Could any person attending let Hazel know by e mail so that we will have booklets available
Blessings to all at this difficult time
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC