Dear all,
It is good to hear from so many of you in response to my emails. While I don’t have the opportunity to reply to each individual email, they are all read and those that contain additional information or a request are responded to. It is good to keep in touch. Please feel free to contact me at any time or to phone me if you prefer.
This is the Monday of Holy Week. In order to prevent bombarding you with emails, I am now sending 3 short services which you might like to use at home for the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. They are attached to this email. No video clips this time! Just the service leaflet for each day.
On Thursday I will email you all again. This time I am hoping to send you a full video of a short service for Maundy Thursday. I hope it will also include music clips and the involvement of a variety of people who I will ask to send me video/audio clips. We will see how the technology works. I am also hoping to involve people in the prerecorded services for Good Friday and Easter Day. In this way, even though we have to stay at home and apart, we can still all journey though Holy Week together.
In the meantime, take care and God bless you all.