Dear parishioners
Today is Maundy Thursday when we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples.
Please find the attached copy of today’s service along with the link to the full recorded service complete with music and imagery. It is only half an hour in length and while I recorded it in the evening to replicate the service we hold each year in St Luke’s Church with its dramatic ending, it can be watched at any time today.
Please play the service to the credits at the end for its full effect as we move from Thursday into Good Friday.
I would like to thank all those who had an input into it (Rev. Hazel Minion, Mark Slade and Veronica Tadman) and thank our son Darren for editing it.
I hope you will find the service of comfort and encouragement. A service for Good Friday will be sent tomorrow by email.
Maundy Thursday 2020 Service Sheet
Every blessing to you all,