Cork Ecumenical Bible Week 21-26 May 2019
The Earth is the Lord’s and Everything in it (Ps 24)
Tuesday 21st May
Ecumenism in Ecology Rev. Elaine Murray
Sacred Hearts Church, Monkstown 7.30pm
Wednesday 22nd May
We are Stewards not Owners … our Arrogance towards Creation.
Fr. Ben Hegarty OP
St. Joseph’s RC Church, Springhill, Glanmire. 7.30pm
Thursday 23rd May
Exiles and Strangers. Dr. Richard Scriven
Old Schoolhouse, St. Michael’s Church, Blackrock. 7.30pm
Sunday 26th May
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. The transformative power of the Psalms to shape our imaginations and our lives towards eco-justice. Dr. Jessie Rogers
Sacred Heart Hall, Western Road, Cork. 7.30pm
Cork Ecumenical Bible Week extends a warm welcome to everyone. No booking required.
Donations to cover costs will be welcome.
Contacts David Bowles 086/8178306, Geraldine Grace 085/7071449, Marian Mortell 086/3124858, Tony Murphy 087/8327347, Sean O’Sullivan 087/2151894