

Service and readings for Sunday 23rd August

Dear parishioners and friends,   This week my '3 Minute Thought' is based, not on the Sunday readings but on a person - St Bartholomew. He is someone about whom the gospels tell us very little, yet in church we set a day aside to remember him. St Bartholomew's Day is on 24th August each year. I hope you enjoy my short reflection on him which will be available from [...]

By |2020-08-22T20:09:50+00:00August 22nd, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service for Sunday, 16th August, 2020

  Dear parishioners and friends,   I am glad to note that the numbers attending church on Sunday are gradually increasing over the weeks. However I also know that this weekly email is being appreciated by many who are not yet in a position to attend our services. Please find the attached service of Morning Prayer, as well as the Collect and Readings for this Sunday for you to use at [...]

By |2020-08-15T14:38:18+00:00August 15th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service and Readings for Sunday, 9th August, 2020

Dear parishioners and friends,   These weekly emails have been a very useful way of keeping in regular contact, not only with people here in Cork, but also with parishioners currently living abroad. In recent weeks, I have been in regular contact with one family, now in the US, whose newborn son has required heart surgery. Just this past week I have been in communication with another family who had [...]

By |2020-08-08T22:58:43+00:00August 8th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service Timetable for the 6th, 9th & 13th September, 2020

    Sunday 6th September  8.30 Blackrock 9.45 Passage 10.00 Frankfield 11.15 Douglas   Wednesday 9 September, Holy Communion will be celebrated in St Michael's Church, Blackrock at 11.00am.     Sunday 13 September  8.30 Blackrock 10.00 Frankfield 11.15 Douglas  

By |2020-09-05T17:26:39+00:00August 1st, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service and Reading for Sunday, 2nd August, 2020

  Dear parishioners and friends, Please find the attached link to the order of service and readings sheet for this Sunday. The 'Three Minute Thought' on the Feeding of the 5000 will be available on the parish YouTube channel from 9am on Sunday morning. The link to it is here: Service of the Word (Summer 2020) (3) 2nd August Collect and Readings - 2nd August 2020   Thanks [...]

By |2020-08-01T22:16:04+00:00August 1st, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service for Sunday 26th July, 2020

Dear parishioners and friends,   Attached please find a service of Morning Prayer and reading sheet as well as a 'Thought in 3 minutes'. This Sunday the theme is wisdom and I will be focusing on an unusual Old Testament story about  King Solomon's great wisdom. As we are so dependent on the wisdom and insights of others at this time, it is good to include in our private [...]

By |2020-07-25T13:31:08+00:00July 25th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service for Sunday 19th July, 2020

  Dear parishioners and friends, Please find attached a Service of the Word for you to use at home, along with the collect and readings for this Sunday and a video reflection with some music. The video link will be live from 9am tomorrow morning. Collect and Readings - 19th July 2020 Service of the Word (Summer 2020) (1)   It is good to see people in church [...]

By |2020-07-18T15:26:53+00:00July 18th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Request from the Rector

Dear parishioners and friends, Since mid-March you have been receiving a weekly email with a recording of a service/ reflection attached. This week's email and link will be sent to you tomorrow as usual.   However, I am sending you a link here to a short feedback survey which I would ask you to fill in online and simply click submit at the end  when prompted to do so. [...]

By |2020-07-18T15:11:56+00:00July 18th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service for Sunday, 12th July, 2020

    Dear Parishioners and Friends It was wonderful to be back in church last Sunday, to see so many familiar faces and to worship together again, even with social distancing, face coverings and no congregational singing. Thank you to the churchwardens and those who prepared the churches for last Sunday and to Veronica, Roger and Paula for enhancing our worship through music.  We reached the limit of 50 in [...]

By |2020-07-11T22:37:40+00:00July 11th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments

Service for Sunday 5th July, 2020

    Dear parishioners and friends, Tomorrow some of our churches reopen for the first time for public worship after 15 weeks. This is an encouraging and exciting development.  For the last 15 weeks we have kept worship going and provided services online for you at home. I am very grateful to my son Darren, for all the video editing and technical support behind this, as well as those who provided [...]

By |2020-07-04T18:37:21+00:00July 4th, 2020|Announcements, News, Newsletters|0 Comments
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