

Dear Parishioner,


Please find attached the Advent/Christmas edition of Parish Matters. This year, in order to cut down on printing and postage costs, we have decided to email it directly to all parishioners for whom we have an email address. It is also available on the parish website. We hope you like this version. It is longer than usual and is full of colour photographs. It also means that you can forward it to family and friends who are not members of the parish but may like to be kept up to date with our news.

For those not on email, we will have printed a number of copies which will be made available in the back of the churches or can be posted if specifically requested. If you hear that someone would like to get a copy, then ask them to contact me or Paula in the Parish Office. 

I wish you a good Advent and look forward to seeing you at services and events this month in the parish.


Every blessing,Adrian



Please click on link for the newsletter  Parish Magazine (Advent & Christmas 2019)


Please click on link for December 2019 Church Services Church Services December, 2019