There a variety of ways to financially support the life and work of the Parish. For administrative purposes, St. Luke’s Church (Douglas), St. Mary’s Church (Marmullane/Passage West) and St. Michael’s Church (Blackrock) pool their finances as they are all part of Douglas Union of Parishes. Holy Trinity Church in Frankfield is a trustee church and so their finances are managed separately.
Standing Order
Set up a Standing Order from your bank account to the Parish main account. Tax can be reclaimed on this giving. Standing Order forms are available from the Douglas Central Treasurer John Kershaw, Frankfield Treasurer Roger Flack or from the Parish Office.
Stewardship Envelope
Use the Stewardship Envelope scheme that enables you to give by cheque (made payable to ‘Douglas Union of Parishes’ or’ Holy Trinity Church, Frankfield’) or cash on a regular basis. Dated envelopes are available for each tax year and each set of envelopes has a unique number. Tax can be reclaimed on this giving if the Parish Office has the donor’s name and envelope number.
Collection during worship
‘Taking an offering’ is a very important and integral aspect of our worship of God. Many use this for regular giving or for ‘thank offerings’. Any cheques or postal orders should be made payable to ‘Douglas Union of Parishes’ or ‘Holy Trinity Church, Frankfield’. Any cash that is given in a named envelope can be included in the tax reclaim process.
Sustentation is a system where people give a lump sum, once or twice a year, via the person who looks after this account.
Interest free loans
The Select Vestry welcomes interest free loans to assist with projects and specific expenses where money is required ‘up front’. Anyone who is able to help in this way should make themselves known to the Parish Treasurer (John Kershaw or Roger Flack) via the Parish Office (tel: 4369578).
Tax Reclaim
This is an annual process of applying to the Revenue Commissioners for tax reclaim on giving which produces a substantial amount of income for the parish. The Parish Office can claim for anyone who is taxed under the PAYE system. Those who are self-assessed are issued with a letter of receipt and can then make their own claim.
We welcome legacies which help towards the running of the parish or funding specific aspects of our activities. If you would like to talk to one of our treasurers about this they can give you the relevant information.
Gift Days
These are once-off opportunities for us to give for a specific need or appeal.
Parish Giving to Others
The Select Vestry designates part of its voluntary income each year to individuals and organisations involved in aid, development and mission, both locally and internationally.