Welcome to the website of the Church of Ireland parishes of Douglas Union with Frankfield. We are glad that you have found us and we hope that you will find the information you need here or by contacting us directly. Also, why not follow the parish on twitter. For those who want to be kept up to date you can follow us @DouglasUnion. Also we have a facebook page. Log on to https://www.facebook.com/douglasunionfrankfield
Douglas Union with Frankfield is part of the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne & Ross. Our Bishop is the Right Reverend Dr. Paul Colton. We are fortunate to have four beautiful places of worship which are used weekly. However we are also a parish that seeks to be a beacon in the local community for faith in Christ and a place love and service to all. To that end you will also find information on our worship, our organizations and activities which involve parishioners of all ages and backgrounds. We seek to be a people of pilgrimage, growing in our faith and living it out in practical Christian service and witness.
We hope that you will enjoy browsing this site and will contact us if we can be of service to you.