Parish Matters

Newsletter of Douglas Union with Frankfield

November 2014



The Rector writes……

November is a month when we take time to look back at the past. It begins with All Saint’s Day as we reflect on the lives of those Christians who have been great examples of faith, service and sacrifice. Only some are listed in the calendar of official saints and have specific days set aside in the year when we recall them. Our All Saint’s Day collect asks that God would grant us the grace to follow them ‘in all virtuous and godly living’.

This year, as we trace the sad unfolding of events in Europe one hundred years ago in what we now term World War I, the theme of Remembrance will also feature in some way at church services on 9th November too.
World War I was a massive conflict which resulted in the loss of huge numbers of lives amongst both civilians and military personnel. Many more people were badly injured. The war left great emotional scars in the servicemen, who had experienced it, and in the communities, whose close family members, relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends had died. In Ireland in recent years there has been an increased appreciation of the role Irish citizens played in this conflict. Closer ties to our nearest neighbour has also promoted renewed interest in our common history.
However, for us in this state, any appreciation of Remembrance Day in November, will also sit alongside our National Day of Commemoration, when we recall all Irishmen and Irishwomen who died in past wars or on service with the United Nations. It occurs on the Sunday nearest July 11, the anniversary of the date in 1921 that a truce was signed ending the Irish War of Independence.
As we look back and reflect on the standards that Christians have traditionally applied when deciding whether any conflict involving military intervention is justified or not, we must also do all in our power to learn from and not to repeat any mistakes that may have been made in the past.
As we remember the dead and their legacy, I take this opportunity to remind you about the importance of making a will and that you leave clear instructions regarding your financial and other affairs when you die. It is important that your family and loved ones are cared for in accordance with your wishes. You may also wish to leave some money to charitable causes which are close to your heart. In that regard, if you wish to leave money to the parish in your will, please feel free to contact our central parish treasurer John Kershaw. He will be able to give you any guidance you may need. You will also be assured of his absolute discretion. If you value the fellowship and pastoral support you receive now, why not contribute in this way so that the generations yet to come will also have the same opportunities you have had.

Every blessing,


We in St. Michael’s National School in Blackrock have had a busy first term. We were delighted to welcome eight junior infants this term and they have all settled in very well. All classes have been doing athletics every week with our new coach John and we have spotted some serious potential!! We all dressed in pink to raise money for cancer research one Friday. We were also visited by the Lord Mayor who was very impressed with our clever questions and lovely singing.

The junior room have enjoyed some Autumn nature walks and a visit from a special grandfather. The senior pupils have been competing against schools worldwide in computer based maths challenges and have beaten much bigger schools –we certainly have some math masters! Senior pupils travelled to Bandon Church to celebrate a new school year with the other schools in the diocese-the highlight was when Bishop Colton asked all the schools to ring their bells together. Our school is now on Twitter so please follow us @stmichaels_ns.


We in St. Luke’s National School are very thankful to our new PA who organised a very successful “Coffee-To-Go, Coffee Morning and Cake Sale” recently and raised €671.96. Suzanne Dennison and Sue Doherty ran the Cork to Cobh race and raised €800 in sponsorship. We are hoping to develop a Soft Surface Play and Sensory Area so this money will be put to good use. We are also very grateful to two families who have purchased benches for our garden area. The Lord Mayor, Cllr Mary Shields was a very welcome visitor to our school. She enjoyed our performance of the school anthem ‘The Rhythm of St Luke’s and gave us a night off homework! Our 6th Class represented us at the annual Diocesan School Service in Bandon this year. They brought along €415.18 as a contribution to the Christian Aid Homes for Haiti Appeal. We look forward to this very worthwhile event every year. Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council members : Eric Cartis, Lisa Kavanagh, Isobel Kingston, Ella Marry, Julia Mc Carthy, Sophie Marry, Sophie Noctor and Jake Hanafin. We welcome Érin Kelleher and Finn O’Donovan from Ashton School every Tuesday as they work with us as part of their Community Action Program. Some of our Senior Classes visited our local library recently to listen to the author Marie L. Fitzpatrick and Michael Moylan who spoke about World War I. We are delighted that our school website is now a ScoilnetStarsite.


Harvest ‘Songs of Praise’: We are very grateful to Ivan and Sandie Rumley who provided a splendid venue for our Harvest Songs of Praise on 12 October at their open farm. We filled the barn with people of all ages including one young parishioner who was going to be baptized the following Sunday. The worship was enhanced by the presence of the Passage West Folk Group who sang two reflective pieces on the theme of creation. After all the hymn singing, we enjoyed refreshments and hospitality, courtesy of our hosts.

Charting the Future with Confidence: In September an initial meeting of clergy and parish representatives was held in Bandon Grammar School at which the Bishop outlined the important work that lies ahead for this group. We are grateful to Olive Burns, who will be representing Holy Trinity Church Frankfield on this committee. She is also one of the trustees of this particular church which has a unique status in this Diocese. Dr. Edward Gash is representing Douglas Union of parishes. On 21 and 22 November they will be involved in a special session in the Charleville Park Hotel. We appreciate their interest and commitment to the work and mission of the Church in this Diocese.


Douglas Union of Parishes Art Exhibition: The exhibition featuring familiar as well as new artists and photographers will run from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th November. The exhibition will open on Thursday 13th November at 2.30pm with extended opening hours this year ensuring everyone has an opportunity to see and buy as well as meet up with friends and enjoy the atmosphere and refreshments.

Children in St. Luke’s and St. Michael’s Schools will again have the chance to enter a fantastic children’s art competition. We are seeking donations of “preloved pictures”. These can be given to church wardens on Sunday mornings from now on. We look forward to seeing you there! Opening times – Thurs 13 Nov 2.30pm – 9pm, Fri 14 Nov 2.30pm – 7pm, Sat 15 Nov 11am – 6pm and Sun 16 Nov 10am – 11am, 12.15pm – 3pm. Any queries, please contact Edward Gash (086 853 2055/

We extend our congratulations and good wishes to Dr. Edward Gash on his recent appointment as principal of Midleton College. We wish him well as he prepares to move from Bandon Grammar School to take up his new post.


Bicentenary Concert: This year St. Columba’s Church in Douglas celebrates the bicentenary of its construction. It has been running a number of events throughout the year. On 28 November a special concert is being held in the church at which the singer Tony Kenny will be a special guest. Our parish choir has also been asked to contribute to the entertainment that evening. They under their director Dermot Locke, have been practising hard in preparation for this event.


Bishop Paul Colton and Dean Nigel Dunne Appeal for Photos of First World War Fallen. We are appealing, to the relatives and descendants of the Cork people who died in the war, Cork veterans, and people of other nationalities now living in Cork who would like their relatives who died or fought in the First World War either to bring the photos to us for scanning on Saturday, 8th November, 2014 at the Cathedral between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when we will be present personally to meet you; or email them to us at this special email address We are looking for photographs together with regiment, rank, nationality, where they are from, dates of birth and dates of death, where available.


The next Select Vestry Meeting for Douglas Union takes place on Friday, 14th November at 8 pm in Old Schoolhouse, Blackrock. Please note change of venue.


Parish Bible Study Group: Study takes place in the home of Joan Miller, Ballintemple at 3 pm on Wednesday, 5th November, 19th November and the 3rd December, 2014. Another group meets in the home of Carol Boylan in Moneygourney on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. on the 6th November, 20th November and the 4th December, 2014. Both groups will continue to study St. John’s Gospel. Contact the clergy or Florence for more details.


Parish Contacts:
Ven. Adrian Wilkinson, Tel: 4891539. E-mail: (Day off Monday)
Rev. Sarah Marry, Tel: 4358226. Email: (Day off Saturday)
Rev. Hazel Minion, Tel: 4361924. E-mail: (Only contact if above unavailable)
Parish Office Tel: 4369578. E-mail: mornings only)
Parish Website: Follow us on Twitter: @DouglasUnion