14th Feb 2016

Visitors from Sweden.  To-day we welcome visitors from the Church of Sweden to our parish. Very Revd. Christofer Lundgren (Dean of Strängnäs Cathedral) will be the guest preacher in St. Luke’s Church. He will also be attending the service in Holy Trinity Church in Frankfield along with Mrs Ingrid Fredriksson who is a member of the Bishop’s Council in the Diocese of Strängnäs.

We also welcome Sam Clibborn into the family of the Church as he is baptised in Frankfield.



Morning Prayer – St. Michael’s Church, Blackrock @ 11am

Badminton – CPH @ 8pm



Parish Art Group – Old Schoolhouse @ 10am.

Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm.



Badminton –Marmullane @ 10.30am

Holy Communion – St. Luke’s Church @ 11am.

Bowls Club – CPH @ 7.45pm.



Lent Discussion Group – 11.00am in the Canon Packham Hall. This year we looking at the theme of ‘Pilgrimage’ using a pack prepared by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. All welcome.



Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra led by Dr. Richard Scriven.  11.00 arrive Gougane Barra for longer walk.12.00 arrive for everyone else. 12.30 talk and tour of site. 13.00 prayers and reflection. 14.00 refreshments in local restaurant.


This Sunday’s Readings

Old Testament

Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 p188 (NRSV)


91 p698 (B.C.P)


Romans 10: 8b-13 p156 (NRSV)


Luke 4: 1-13 p58 (NRSV)




The Lenten Lunch will take place on Wednesday, 24th February in the Old School House, Blackrock at 12.30pm.  This will be a meatless meal with profits going to the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Alison Flack will attend and talk about its activities and bring along one of her trainee dogs.


A Coffee Morning will be held in St. Mary’s Church Hall, Marmullane on Saturday, 27th February from 10am – 12 noon.  Admission €3 to include tea/coffee plus scone.  Sales table and raffle.  In aid of restoration fund.


This year the Cork City World Day of Prayer Service will be held in St. Luke’s Douglas, on Friday 4th March at 11 am.