The Rector writes……
The Annual Report of Protestant Aid has just been delivered with my post. Each year it makes interesting reading. In his Chairperson’s Statement, Arthur Vincent states that despite Ireland’s exit from the 5-year bailout and the upturn in the economy, ‘cases brought to our attention rose from 720 in 2013 to 948 in 2014; a 32% increase.’ However, against this backdrop there was a healthy increase in private subscriptions and government assistance, so this demand could be met. As with all elements in charity sector, administrative costs are a factor if there is to be adequate supervision and accountability. So later in this report it is good to read that ‘in 2014, we distributed €1.20 for every euro received by way of subscription income.’
As I read the list of subscribers I noticed some familiar names from this parish as well as the €200 donation made by Douglas Union Select Vestry in 2014. This support is important, as this money often comes back to parishioners in the form of discrete but vital payments at a time of need.
Of course Protestant Aid is not the only charity that I can turn to when a parishioner needs some financial support. More locally the Cork Indigent Roomkeepers’ Society and the St. Stephen’s Protestant Orphan Society are also there to help. Despite their ancient and quaint names, they make a real difference to people’s lives today and are very much working in the spirit of those who founded these charities many centuries ago.
We are approaching Christmas and the inevitable expense associated with this season, coupled with increased winter fuel bills and school expenses, can push families and individuals to the pin of their collar. If you are in financial difficulty, please do not hesitate to talk to me or one of the clergy. You will be assured of our absolute discretion. Often we can point you in the direction of sources of income that will get you over the hump and help with the necessary form filling.
Finally, if you are in a position to donate money to some of the above organisations so that they can continue to do valuable work, please contact the offices of Protestant Aid in Dublin ( or Barbara Veitch at the Diocesan Office in Cove Street. Alternatively, you might like to contribute to Nancy Stanley’s or Elsie Kershaw’s parish collection for the Indigent Roomkeepers’ Society. I can guarantee you that any support received will be wisely distributed. I also have a small discretionary fund which I have used in the past to help people out with modest sums, particularly in winter. If you would like to donate to it – it is called the ‘Douglas Clergy Account’.
Yours in Christ, Adrian
All Saints’ Day. This month begins with All Saints’ Day, when we remember the generations of God’s faithful servants who have left their mark of love and service in this life and gone ahead of us. We look forward to having the Dean’s Vicar of St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Rev. Ted Ardis, with us for two of our services that day as well as Rev Bruce Pierce who will be taking services in Frankfield and Passage. The Rector will be on duty in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral for a service to remember the contribution of Professor George Boole to the field of mathematics as well as to honour all the faithful departed.
Coffee Morning. A morning of parish fundraising will be held in the Canon Packham Hall in Douglas on Saturday 7 November. A coffee morning with the traditional as well as some not so traditional stalls, will provide people with the opportunity to spend and meet others. It starts at 10am sharp. All are very welcome.
St Luke’s School Notes. Our Parents Association organised a very successful “Welcome Back” Coffee morning and raised over €800 for school funds. They very generously paid for the visit of the London Chamber Brass Quintet which the pupils thoroughly enjoyed. They also recently hosted a talk for parents on Internet Safety by Dr Sinead Divine. We supported the GOAL Jersey Day in October. Pupils were allowed wear jerseys to school and give a donation to the charity’s work with the Syrian refugees. We welcome Ms O’Toole as a substitute teacher in 1st Class and hope that she will be very happy in St. Luke’s. We were delighted to welcome the Lord Mayor, Cllr Chris O’Leary to school, he enjoyed a performance of the school anthem given by all the pupils and gave them a night off homework in return! The school have been taking part in the very worthwhile Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme. Fruit and vegetables have been supplied daily to the school and enjoyed by all. The School Choir sang at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in St Luke’s Church on 11th October. We are very appreciative of Ms Guinane’s musical talents in leading and accompanying the choir.
Parish Bible Study Group: Study takes place in the home of Ailsa Jones, Passage West at 2.30 pm on Wednesday, 4th November, 18th November and the 2nd December, 2015. Another group meets in the home of Carol Boylan in Moneygourney on Thursdays at 7.30 p.m. on the 5th November, 19th November and the 3rd December, 2015. Contact the clergy or Florence for more details.
Thanks and Praise! In recent weeks we have been including some of the hymns in the new hymn supplement ‘Thanks and Praise’ at our services. Initially we have been using those hymns which have been written to already familiar tunes. However this month we are holding two sessions which are open to all parishioners to just come and enjoy learning some of the new hymns and songs. The first will be on Thursday 19 November in the Old Schoolhouse in Blackrock. It starts at 2.30 and will end at about 4.00. There will be a break for refreshments in the middle. For those who are not available during the day, the second session will be on Tuesday 24 November in the Choir Room in Douglas. It starts at 7.30 and will last no more than an hour. We thank Florence Binions, our organist in Blackrock, for leading us on the keyboard for these music workshops. They are open to anyone who just want to come along and sing, or even just listen. At the end of our time together, you will have become familiar with some of the contents of this new hymn supplement.
Prepare the way! This is the title of a special evening service that will be held in St. Luke’s Church, Douglas on Advent Sunday. Through the use of candles, images from art, as well as music and meditations from the Iona Community in Scotland, it will be reflective in nature. It begins at 7pm and should provide an opportunity for those who come to stop and take stock at the start of Advent, before the rush of office parties, shopping days and carol concerts. At the end of the service, hot chocolate with marshmallows and other refreshments will be served. All are welcome.
Andrew Chambers Memorial Hockey Match in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation is on in Garryduff Sports Centre on Sat 7th November at 5pm, cake sale will begin at 3.30pm, all welcome.
On Sunday, 8th November at Choral Evensong and the Annual Act of Remembrance at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral the Bishop will dedicate the Diocesan World War 1 memorial installation to mark the centenary of the war (1914-1918). Parishioners and their friends from throughout the Diocese are encouraged to attend and a particular invitation is extended to everyone who submitted photographs and information about loved ones (casualties of the war and war veterans) for inclusion in the memorial.
Mothers’ Union Women’s Conference will be held in the Garryvoe Hotel and Leisure Centre, Castlemartyr on the 13th to 15th November. For booking forms contact Oriel at (028) 28249 or or Hilary at
A Coffee Morning will be held in St Mary’s Church Hall Marmullane on Saturday, 21st November from 10am – 12 noon in aid of Hall Restoration funds. Entry 3 euros to include scone and coffee/tea. Sales table and raffle.
Confirmation 2016: If you are thinking about being confirmed next year please talk to the Rector as soon as possible. He already has several names on a list of those who are considering taking this step in their Christian faith. There will be a meeting for the parents of all candidates upstairs in the Canon Packham Hall on Wednesday, 2nd December at 8pm. This is to outline the arrangements for classes, which will begin after Christmas and to discuss other practical matters. It is important that parents make it a priority to attend this meeting.
Parish Calendar 2016: A desk calendar featuring photographs by Darren Wilkinson, of twelve of the stained glass windows in our parish churches, will be available for sale at the Parish Coffee Morning on 7 November. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Douglas Credit Union, almost all the profits from the sale of this calendar will go to parish funds and be divided between Douglas Union and Frankfield. Along with the calendar, a free guide to each window featured will be available. We hope that understanding a little about the history and inspiration behind the windows illustrated will enhance your appreciation of the calendar. They cost €8 each and will make an ideal Christmas present. Stocks are limited so buy your calendar in good time!
For the months of November, December, January and February it has been decided that the side transept door in St. Luke’s Church will be closed for normal Sunday services to maintain heat in the church. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
Eircode: We would be obliged if all Parishioners could forward their new post Eircode to the Parish Office at their convenience in order that the Parish Database can be updated accordingly.