Parish Matters (July & August)

The Rector writes……

The summer period is now here and I hope you have time to enjoy the good weather and long days! I want to use my letter this month to highlight two church services in July which might be of interest to you.

On Sunday 12 July we are holding our annual ‘Sea Sunday’ service in St. Mary’s Church, Marmullane. This is the only Sunday that there is a slightly altered service schedule so please consult the list in this newsletter.

This year we also look forward to travelling to join the parishioners of Kilmoe Union on Sunday 19 July. That day we have been invited to a barbeque at 6pm in the grounds of Altar Rectory by kind permission of Canon Trevor and Mrs. Oriel Lester. I hope that many people will make the trip as this event is being specially hosted for us as a parish. While the flame for the barbeque is being provided, you are required to bring your own food and drink! That evening everyone is invited to end the day by attending the 8.30pm service in Crookhaven at which the Rector will be the guest preacher. There has been a gap of several years since this outing last took place. We look forward to linking up with the parishioners in Schull as well as meeting a number of those from this union of parishes that holiday in that part of West Cork over the summer months.

I take this opportunity to wish you all a restful summer. If you are away on holidays, do seek out the local church to attend on Sunday morning. If they have a parish newsletter or magazine, do please take a copy and when you are finished with it, please pass it on to me. I always enjoy borrowing good ideas from elsewhere!

Yours in Christ,




Wednesday 1st  July       11.00                   Holy Communion             Douglas


Sunday 5th July                  8.30            Holy Communion             Blackrock

5th  Sun. after Trinity            9.45            Morning Prayer              Passage

Green                                  10.00                   Holy Communion             Frankfield                                                                                                                          11.15                   Morning Prayer              Douglas

11.30                   Holy Communion             Blackrock


Sunday 13th  July           8.30            Holy Communion             Blackrock

6th Sun. after Trinity         10.00                    Morning Prayer              Frankfield

Green                                      11.30                    ‘Sea Sunday Service’      Passage

(N.B. no service in Douglas at 11.15am or Blackrock at 11.30am.  All parishioners are encourage to attend the Sea Sunday Service in Passage.  This is the only Sunday there will be a United Service this summer.)


Sunday 19th July              8.30            Holy Communion             Blackrock

5th  Sun. after Trinity           9.45            Morning Prayer              Passage

Green                                      10.00                   Holy Communion             Frankfield

11.15                   Morning Prayer               Douglas

11.30                   Holy Communion             Blackrock


Sunday 26th July               8.30          Holy Communion             Blackrock

8th Sun. after Trinity            9.45           Holy Communion             Passage

Green                                      10.00                   Morning Prayer              Frankfield

11.15                   Holy Communion             Douglas

11.30                   Morning Prayer              Blackrock


Summer Services will continue in August at the usual times each Sunday.


Parish Contacts:

Ven. Adrian Wilkinson, Tel: 4891539. E-mail:  (Day off Monday)

Rev. Hazel Minion,              Tel: 4361924. E-mail: (Only contact if above unavailable)

Parish Office                        Tel: 4369578. E-mail: (Friday mornings only)

Parish Website:     Follow us on Twitter: @DouglasUnion


St. Luke’s School News. The pupils in St Luke’s School have had a really active month! They have been taking part in Inter School Sports, Tag Rugby, Cricket, Fun Sports, Skipping and Adventure Sports. They have also been out and about on school tours. Junior Infants enjoyed a day on Rumley’s Farm and saw a cow being milked. Senior Infants went to Crafty Hands and learned how to make pottery, 2nd Class enjoyed making pizza and cup cakes at the Cookery Cottage, 1st and 3rd Classes went to Nemo Rangers to an action packed day of sports, 4th and 5th Classes went to the Blackwater Outdoor Education Centre for some outdoor fun and 6th Class went to Cappanlea for their overnight trip. Great fun was had by all! Congratulations to Cassia Kuzima and Katlyn Joseph who won prizes in the Douglas Tidy Towns Art Competition. We said good bye and thank you to Natascha and Lydia from Ashton School who completed their Community Action Work placement with us. We also want to thank Colleen Murphy who is retiring as a swimming teacher. Colleen taught swimming in St Luke’s for over 10 years. The Parents’ Association had their AGM and elected their new committee for the coming year. We are very aware of the huge contribution they make to the benefit of the school both financially and practically. Thank you to all concerned, and in particular to our outgoing chairperson Annika Frank. We wish the new committee well under the chairperson Suzanne Dennison. The Parents’ Association are busy organising a Family Barbeque for the end of term. The Students Council organised a “Sunny Day for Simon” when the pupils were allowed to wear no uniform. They raised over 400 for the Simon Community. Our new Junior Infant parents were welcomed to St Luke’s at a recent Induction evening and our Class of 2015 will visit their classroom soon. We look forward to them joining us in September. We are sorry to say “Farewell” to our 6th Class as they progress to their various secondary schools and wish them well in the next stage of their education .We also say goodbye and thank you to Ms Haugh and Ms O’Rourke and wish them well in the future.

St. Michael’s School News. We have had a wonderful summer term here in St Michael’s! We have achieved an award for excellence in science and maths from the STEM Primary science programme. We have also received a gift of a computer for every pupil from UCC. This is an extremely generous gift as part of the Boole200 celebrations. We look forward to exciting times ahead using all this technology for learning. It has also been a wonderful sporting term in St Michael’s. We took part in three events in the Interschool Sports Competition –swimming, running and hockey. We were especially successful in the running events in C.I.T where most pupils from 1st class upwards took part. We came home with loads of medals!

Garryduff Sports Centre, Rochestown

Summer Camp     6th – 10th July        7-12 years       10am-2pm        €70.00.

Pre-Camp and Post-Camp Care available.

For more details contact:  The office Tel. 021-4891978:  email:

Krafti Kidz is looking for any buttons, fabric, wool, sewing thread or sewing accessories that need a good home. Please contact Nikki on 087615 1986.  Krafti Kidz Summer Camps are being held in Blackrock and Carrigaline in July and August.  Please contact Nikki on 087 615 1986

C.D.C.Y. Summer Madness will be held on the 3rd-7th July in Glenarm Estate, Northern Ireland, again this year.  The cost is €150pp and it caters for young people of 15yrs+.  On the 10th-12th July a trip to Cape Clear for the 12yrs+ will take place and this weekend will cost €60pp.  All these details can be found on the CDYC website.

In Need of Prayer?


If you are going through difficult times and would like the Parish Prayer Chain to include your name in their prayers, just leave a note in the prayer request box at the back of your church, or give it to one of the clergy. For a month, or as you request, each day one of them will pray for you; their prayers do not take holidays!


United Service for Sea Sunday in Marmullane

Getting there?


On Sunday 12th July in St Mary’s Church, Marmullane (Passage West) there will be a united service for our parish in celebration of all things nautical. Not only is July a good time to celebrate the pleasures of the sea; many of our parishioners have or have had professional links with the sea. We take this opportunity each year to thank God and pray for seafarers.


The service commences at 11.30, allowing people choice of how to get there: by car, walking, cycling … it is even rumoured that one year parishioners came by boat to the Sea Sunday service! So, gather your friends and come along to this special occasion, and if you have any ideas, pass them on to the Rev’d Hazel Minion by 20th June.



The Douglas Select Vestry Meeting will take place in the Canon Packham Hall at 8pm on Tuesday, 28th July.


Heritage Week in 2015 As part of National Heritage Week on 29 August, Douglas Churchwarden Dr. Aoife Breathnach, will give a talk on the history of St. Luke’s Church and on the surrounding churchyard. She introduces her topic.

‘This year Heritage Week is focusing on industrial heritage, offering communities an opportunity to tell the stories of Ireland’s factories, mills, warehouses and the people who worked in them. A church might not be an obvious industrial heritage site, but St Luke’s in Douglas has fascinating industrial history connections. These will be celebrated in a heritage week tour that I am giving on Sat 28 August at 2.30pm. This tour will explore the building and the graveyard, showing why some industrialists are remembered and why the ordinary mill-workers are easily forgotten.


The present St Luke’s church replaced an eighteenth-century building erected in 1785. Some of the funds were raised from wealthy parishioners, among them the mill-owner, Julius Besnard. Of Huguenot origin, the Besnards made their fortune in the manufacture of sailcloth.


But when demand for sailcloth collapsed, the mill was closed and the family’s fortunes began to decline; Julius’ grandsons emigrated to Canada and the United States. By the 1870s, only the family plot in St Luke’s graveyard remained to mark their importance. The church building that Besnard had contributed to later fell from favour, appearing ‘old and ugly’ to nineteenth-century eyes. It was demolished and a new, ‘handsome’ building was consecrated in 1875.


By the time the new church was built, milling had returned to Douglas, headed by the Pollocks, a family with Armagh roots. However, their business did not survive the economic depression of the mid 1880s, and the mill closed. Like the Besnards before them, the Pollocks emigrated, travelling to Australia in 1886. Apart from a family grave, they left a lasting memorial in the window of three lights, attributed to William Burgess, in the eastern Chancel.


But industrial heritage is about more than the rise and fall of industrial dynasties. Parishioners working in the mill included the hacklers, weavers and finishers who baptised their children in St Luke’s, buried their dead in the graveyard and attended the parish school. The history of these ordinary people, particularly where they were buried, will also feature in my heritage week tour.’