7th June

This Sunday there will be a fire drill at the end of all our services. This is required so that we can time how long it takes us to vacate the church buildings.



This Sunday’s Readings

First Reading

Genesis 3: 8-15 p3  (NRSV)


130:  p747 (B.C.P)


2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1 p177 (NRSV)


Mark 3: 20-35 p 35 (NRSV)




“Come and Sing Thanks and Praise” takes place on Monday, 8th June at 7.30pm in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral. “Thanks and Praise” is a new supplement to the Church Hymnal, containing 227 hymns and songs.  It is being published in September.  “Come and Sing” is an opportunity to hear some of the contents, to find out about the book and to ask questions.  It is for everyone – vestry members, choirs, organists, clergy, and parishioners – anyone who wants to know more about the book.  There is a special discount offer who pre-order copies before the end of June.



Gala Charity Concert in aid of Larche and the Simon Community Cork on Friday 12th June at 8pm in the Rochestown Park Hotel featuring Geraldine O’Grady and Oonagh Keogh (Violinists), Regina Nathan (Soprano) Andrew Thomson (Baritone) and the Frankfield Gospel Choir. Tickets €25 available at the door. See posters on church noticeboards for full details.



The date of the Frankfield Vestry has had to be changed. It will now take place on Wednesday 17th June at 8pm in the Sunday School Room. The next Select Vestry Meeting for Douglas Union will take place in the Canon Packham Hall on Tuesday, 28th July at 8pm.



C.D.C.Y. will be going on a trip to Oakwood Theme Park on the 23rd June.  For more details contact the website or email westcorkdydohildaconnolly@gmail.com or  tel. 086/8790623.




In Need of Prayer? If you are going through difficult times and would like the Parish Prayer Chain to include your name in their prayers, just leave a note in the prayer request box at the back of your church, or give it to one of the clergy. For a month, or as you request, each day one of them will pray for you; their prayers do not take holidays!



Douglas Meals on Wheels.  The Church of Ireland has been responsible for Wednesdays since we started in 1981 providing three cooks and three drivers each week.  Three of our stalwart lady cooks have indicated that they want to retire after many decades of cooking.  Jean Wolfe, Florence Searls and Alison Flack.  You are only required to cook once every three weeks from 9am to 11am so please girls volunteer and don’t let the side down!  Volunteers contact Penny Shaw-Hamilton at 4365853 or 087/3199893.