Dear parishioners,
First of all, thanks to those who attended our Annual General Vestry Meeting for Douglas Union in St Luke’s Church on Wednesday evening. Tomorrow the AGM for Frankfield takes place in the church immediately after the 10am service there. Again it will be a short meeting for essential business as I have to be in St Michael’s in Blackrock for their Harvest Thanksgiving Service at 11.30am. (Blackrock parishioners please note that there is no 8.30 service in St Michael’s tomorrow, only the 11.30). The results of the elections at both those meetings will be put up on the parish website and in the churches as soon as possible.
In recent days you will have noticed a chill in the air. For those who enjoy cooking, programmes like the ‘Great British Bake Off’ are back on our TVs. This autumn, due to the health restrictions, our parish social and youth activities have ceased. People will be at home more and have some time on their hands for cooking and baking.
Against this background, it has been suggested that the parish put together a special Parish Cookbook. There will be a dedicated email address so that people can submit their recipes directly to it. What I am looking for are all sorts of recipes, both simple and more challenging – biscuits, cakes, brunch ideas, dinner menus, desserts, drinks, lunchtime snacks, party ideas, etc. Basically anything edible and entries are welcome from parishioners of any age or skill level. There is only one condition and it is that you must send in your name with the recipe and just a sentence or two as to what this recipe means to you. For example, it might be the first thing you learned to cook as a child, a family favourite curry recipe when everyone is home on a Saturday night, your Christmas cake recipe, your treat for brunch on a bank holiday weekend etc. The more varied the collection the better. Gluten free, vegan and or speciality recipes are also particularly welcome.
The address for all entries is:
I know not every parishioner uses email or has a computer. For those who don’t, recipes can be posted to the Rectory or perhaps as you are reading this and so have email, I suggest that you might use the cookbook as an idea to phone and collect a recipe from someone who can’t email one in. Just type it up and send it in on their behalf. I think in the coming months finding such excuses to stay in contact with each other, particularly with those who live alone, will be very important. All recipes should be sent in by 31 October.
Finally, I hope to print off and produce the cookbook and sell it. While this is not a major parish fundraiser, any profits will go to parish funds where it is much needed at present.
So get thinking, hunt out your cooking and baking ideas. I look forward to hearing from you.
Services for Sunday 27 September
10.00 Frankfield (Followed by AGM)
11.15 Douglas
11.30 Blackrock (Harvest Thanksgiving)
Services for Sunday 4 October
8.30 Blackrock
9.45 Passage
10.00 Frankfield
11.15 Douglas
Best wishes,
Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.
The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC